Learn more about the Steggles Roosters Charity Nest ahead of this Thursday's game, with the third of our Charities Lifestart.
Lifestart provides early childhood intervention services to families and children living with disability and developmental delays across 7 Branches. Lifestart also provides School Aged Services through the Eastern Sydney and Inner West Branches.
Our Vision - That children with additional needs are empowered to participate meaningfully in their community.
Our Mission - Lifestart aims to provide individualised support to give children the best possible start in life.
Lifestart has seven centres in the Greater Sydney area and is a leader in early childhood intervention and school age services. Lifestart’s main focus is to achieve positive outcomes for children and their families using a person centred approach within the framework of family centred practice. Lifestart aims to support children learning in their natural environments to facilitate meaningful inclusion.
To learn more about Lifestart simply CLICK HERE
This Thursday night is Charity Nest Round when we take on the Rabbitohs in the final home game of the 2014 regular season.
For more information about the Steggles Roosters Charity Nest [CLICK HERE]