We asked our fans to caption the photo, and some of them were amazing!
Here are some of our favourite captions:
"All aboard the Roosters train! Next stop, THERE ARE NO STOPS!!!!" - Stephanie Longo (Facebook)
"Mum bought a Jeep!"- Robert Addison (Facebook)
"LOOOOOUD NOISES!!"- Marcus Loui (Facebook)
"Shaun get off my toe!"- Mitchell Beggs Mowczan (Facebook)
"Winner winner chicken dinner!"- Leisa McMahon Jannenga (Facebook)
"MUM MADE TACOS!"- Pete Maddern (Facebook)
"Just scored tickets to AC/DC!"- Paul Cass (Facebook)
"Are you not entertained!?"- Theresa Matthews (Facebook)
"Three words. Red, white, blue!"- Jason Hayes (Facebook)
"Christmas sale on Memberships!"- Chris Makejev (Facebook)