On Thursday 19th November 2016, the Sydney Roosters held their inaugural auditions for the 2016 Roosters Girls.
With over 70 hopefuls vying for a position on the squad, the stakes were high with only 22 positions up for grabs.
After displaying their talents with high kicks, turns and hard hitting choreography, the final squad of our 2016 Roosters Girls were chosen.
“I can’t believe I’m a part of the 2016 squad. It's so Exciting,” said Christie, a new Roosters girl said of her selection.
Congratulations to following applicants of their selection:
Hayley Doran
Haley Hughes
Samantha Doherty
Glenda Lavemai
Monique Gander
Audrey Gordon
Laura Ray
Taryn Carson
Oliveah Almeda
Olivia Toyne
Bonnie Jackson
Milena Burton
Portia Watson
Christie Anderson
Claudia Della-Ca
Mikhayla Piggin
Nina Cabezas
Chrystal Safi
Jordan Rockley
Jessica Rapkins
Jacinta May
Laura Stead