Sydney Roosters are lucky to have a gun designer on staff who not only produces exceptional design work across our platforms, but also provides in-house mentoring for our players exploring their creative interests.
Johnny Tuivasa-Sheck was awarded in the NYC Academic Team of the Year in 2016 for his completion of the Certificate IV in Graphic Design at Martin College and Short Film Intensive at Australian Film Television and Radio School.
Isaac Liu has also been completing a part-time Certificate IV in Graphic Design at TAFE Design Centre.
Both have been lucky to have the opportunity to develop their design skills during their football training breaks and have had the support of great educational providers that provide quality and flexible study programs.
On the night Isaac played his 100th NRL game, two of his teachers were in attendance at an event organised by the Sydney Roosters Career Coach to say thank you to the educators and training providers that help our athletes develop their CareerWise skills.
Isaac’s teachers commended his commitment to his studies around his demanding NRL schedule and also mentioned what an exceptional student he is to have in class.
Also in attendance on the night were Business TAFE teachers, UTS Elite Athlete Coordinators, and a range of businesses that provide worthwhile work opportunities for our NRL and NYC athletes.
These businesses included Plumbers Supplies Co-Op and Pacific Cleaning Services that have provided casual and part-time work opportunities for our squads.
All of the businesses and education providers in attendance have demonstrated their commitment to provide flexible programs to best fit the competing demands of our athletes.
Sydney Roosters look forward to all of our athletes demonstrating their creative skills both on and off-the field now and into the future. We thank all the businesses and education providers that help our athletes develop with CareerWise skills.