It’s not everyday you have the opportunity to learn from an Olympic and World Champion.
That’s what the Sydney Roosters were treated to when they welcomed guest trainer, U.S Wrestling Olympic Gold Medalist Helen Maroulis to training this week.
Helen is visiting Australia to host wrestling clinics and to examine the Australian wrestling scene.
The Roosters were pleased to have Helen onboard, and eager to learn effective take-down techniques from a master.
Helen explained that there are similar concepts and methods in many contact sports, and she instilled the importance of body awareness and the use of force and motion to your advantage.
The players listened intently, enjoying the opportunity to learn from the Olympic Champion.
“It’s about understanding what the human body does in certain situations,” Helen explained.
“If I push, are they pulling? If I push, are they pushing back? If I move to this angle, what are they doing?”
“Wrestling and rugby league are similar in that you are going against someone else's force, and someone else's will.
"It’s about feeling what another body is doing and executing the best method to bring the person down.”
Helen said she was impressed with the Roosters knowledge and techniques.
“I think they did great! I know there’s a lot of contact in rugby league, so they already have great wrestling experience through the Roosters coaches.”
“It was interesting to see the boys take what they already know and adapt to the things I taught them.
"I think it made a lot of sense to them.
“They caught on really well, faster than I would catch on with rugby league.
“I've seen it on TV, but I don't know the rules or anything.
"I got a crash course in Australian sports before I arrived and it was really eye opening.”
The session concluded with Roosters Captain Jake Friend presenting Helen with a Roosters jersey.
“It’s safe to say I’m a Roosters fan now,” Helen smiled.
“These guys are awesome, I’ll be interested to see how their season goes.”