The annual GSA Sydney Roosters Golf Day saw Roosters players swap their football shorts for golfing slacks in one of the most popular events on the social calendar.
Held at the pristine New South Wales Golf Club and hosted by GSA Insurance Brokers, the day was a chance for Roosters players and staff to mingle with Major Corporate Partners and Sponsors.

Also being natural competitors, it was a good chance to brush up on their skills on a premium course.
Australian golfing legend Peter O’Malley was a special guest on the day, he was also generous in lending his name to the event with players shooting it out for the ‘Peter O’Malley Cup’.
Thirteen teams teed off for an early morning shotgun start, with perfect golfing weather and stunning coastal back drops making for a beautiful day of golf.
Many of the Roosters players are also keen golfers and matched with a competitive streak of a professional athlete meant there was plenty of light-hearted banter along the way.

Much like the football field, the players possessed a certain type of golfing skill, with some having the brute strength for an impressive long game, while others had the deft touch for a classy short game.
After the 18 holes it was back to the Clubhouse to enjoy lunch, a recap of the day’s action and the all-important awards presentation.

Generous donations from Callaway Golf saw some fantastic prizes up for grabs, with the major prize being a set of custom golf clubs and golf bag for the player who achieved ‘closest to the pin’.
The longest drive of the day also took home a premium Callaway Driver.
Roosters Coach Trent Robinson said the Golf Day was an event the squad gets excited about in the pre-season.
“We all enjoy golf days, it’s one day on the calendar that the squad looks forward to,” he said of the day.
“We thank all of our Partners for their continued support, and in particular GSA for putting on the day."
“We hope they enjoyed the day and we look forward to seeing them in 2018.”
Trent also thanked Peter O’Malley for his involvement in the event.
“We thank Peter for lending his name to the trophy.
“He is such a great Australian golfer and a long time Roosters supporter, so to have the Roosters play for the Peter O’Malley Cup is a really strong thing for us.”

CEO of GSA Insurance Brokers Paul Hines said they were proud to host the event.
“The reason we are involved with Roosters is that we feel their brand is synonymous with ours.
“We are a proud group of people that want to do good in society and want to leave a positive mark on the business world, but also on the community.
“What I’ve seen throughout my involvement with the Roosters is that they reflect that.”

Closest to pin-Phil Stivano from Bisleys Workwear,
Longest drive- Adam Whipp from World First
Overall team winners- Brad Parsons, Greg Marr, Ryan Neary, Brad Humphry